Tuesday, May 15, 2007


yesh!!! i am working already. Currently working in ITE east si mei. Yup! hehee... working under the HR admin Dept. Know couple of nice people around. Rose is the one that i am helping out now and she is VERY helpful!!!

I actually got to leave this place this friday. So.. i actually have the assignment for 2 wks only. But glad to say i am allowed to stay till end june! YEAH! thanks to the new staff that is unable to make it till later date. HAHAHAA... And of course must thank my dear ROSE and myself la! hahaa... if not she help me ask i also cant get, if not for my hardwork also got nth right? kekee..

dArling was sick over the weekend. He so poor thing. visit me last weekend and got himself sick the next weekend. sob. Worst still, he got an exam on monday and he couldnt study for it due to the sickness. Poor boy... in the end he said the paper sure gone~ hopefully nt that bad~ *pray hard hard*