27th of feb i had a celebration, booked a chalet and invited my frenz over for a vegetarian bbq!!! i thought i had lots of friends, invited alot of people but in the end, only 20plus came i guess. some are busy, some having exams, some have lessons till late night, i can understand, but the rest? no news~~~ haiz.. dont talk about.
i went for a play that day, then all the stuff leave to darling to bring them over.... i felt bad as there're really lots of stuff, but he said he can make it, so he really made it. Though i got tick off for not bringing certain stuff that i can bring along for my play. sorry darling~~~
then, i made a BIG mistake too.. i forgot to tell the caterer that it's at the chalet and to send it to the chalet. In the end, when he was half way to my hse, darling called and he was quite pissed off. haiz... here it goes... sorry again~~(nothing much i can say)
i kinda spoilt my own mood for the celebration though as i should do all things properly when i kNow darling is kinda bad tempered person. but in the end, when we reached, he still able to simmer down and stay throughout the celebration happily.
here, i wanna thanks darren (pei's bf) for being there the earliest despite having FYP to do.. he helped alot! i really mean alot! and keep dar dar entertained at the bbq pit too~~ then jin came and help me around here and there too.. THANK U LAO GONG!!! kekee...

then people start to come group by group. hereby i like to thank all presence~~
thank u dennis, qiao ming and gentle giant(junhao) for coming!! was quite shock that u guys came ask i didnt expect that. thanks guys. i'm touched!!
thanks to youxiang who came when initially all he knOws is just dom and me. thanks for staying up throughout the night telling me so many things~ thanks brother!
thanks to zi yang who came down specially just to pass me my present and went off. thanks alot!!! i love ur present!! thanks!!!
thanks to yong qiang, tianying and weichen, the only 3 jcrc that made it down for my celebration. Thanks to yu xin who actually called to apologise when he cant make it. was quite touched by that. thanks to shun yuan who actually almost made it to come. though in the end he couldnt make it, i appreciate alot for the wishes and the invitation to K box!! keke.. thanks to joan who told me beforehand that she couldnt make it as she was sick, take care girl. as for the rest of the jcrc members, i was quite disappointed. in fact, very. i thought jcrc had bond us quite close together, but i guess not... too bad...
thanks to jia hong and tang ning from production that made it down to the celebration too!!! all the way from hall to pasir ris~~ cool~~ thanks for the present too~~ swannie, thanks for the wishes, how i wish u can be there too.. kekee...
thanks to shi fu!!! who came down despite his wife can give birth anytime man!!! oh cool!!! thanks shi fu!!! thanks wei ren and bernard for the gift too~~~
Lastly, a big big thank you to my ai ren, wan ping, who end quiz at 9pm, come all the way from nus to the chalet, being so so tired, giving me the wishes and showing the true friendship that really touched my heart. thanks ping~~ thank u!
OH!!! must thank my dear pei pei too~~ for being there when i got scolded till everyone left being there helping me entertaining my guest and celebrating with me!!! thanks man!!!
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